God speed guys, be safe!
CBS News reports that a drill digging a rescue shaft has reached the underground chamber where 33 Chilean miners have been trapped since August 5.
CBS News correspondent Seth Doane, outside the mine in Chile, reported sirens and horns blaring this morning at about 8 a.m. ET, announcing the long-awaited breakthrough. The sounds prompted cheers, tears and embraces across "Camp Hope," where families of the miners have kept vigil for sixty-six agonizing days.
CBS News' Fernando Suarez reports emotions are high, with family members crying and cheering, waving Chilean flags and ringing bells. Most have run to a hillside where many have gathered for vigils over these past two months; the hillside blazes the message "Fuerza Mineros" ("strength miners").
"We feel an enormous happiness, now that I'm going to have my brother," said Darwin Contreras, whose brother Pedro, a 26-year-old heavy machine operator, is stuck down below. "When the siren rang out, it was overwhelming. Now we just have to wait for them to get out, just a little bit longer now."
More details here
International Message of support for the trapped minors in Chile
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