Weasel Zippers wonders: Are the ObamaBots beginning to think for themselves? We won’t know for sure until November 2nd
I like to call them O-bots myself, but why quibble? The big elephant in the room is how toxic President Obama has become. And oh how the Dems try and ignore the stench.
The Hill reports that high-profile liberals say President Obama's attempts to badger Democrats into voting will not work this November.
Jane Hamsher, founder of the blog FireDogLake.com, told The Hill in an email Friday that the strategy being employed by the White House as polls show a Republican landslide looming is the wrong way to go.
“Hectoring your supporters doesn't work, and it never has,” Hamsher said. “And anyone with as much campaign experience as Obama and [Vice President] Biden knows that, which is why you never saw them do it in their own races.”
Obama and Biden have in recent weeks repeatedly pressed the voters who propelled them into office in 2008 to get off the sidelines, with Biden going as far as to jokingly, but repeatedly, insult those voters at his rallies.
But members of the “professional left,” a term coined by Robert Gibbs in an interview with The Hill, said that Obama and Biden's admonitions to Democrats to “stop whining” will not turn the tide in favor of Democrats.
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