Can you see the veins bulging from their necks with utter glee? “We got’em now by the shoert hairs!”
Well, at least they (Lefty Blogs) think so.
I must admit I was wrong about something though. I thought the race card was going to be played as it never has been played before by Democrats and Leftty blogggers. But, why pull out ‘old relieble” when a good Nazi card will do.
TPM writes:
That didn't take long.
We learned yesterday that the Republican running against Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) has the unique hobby of donning an SS costume to honor fallen Nazis. Until last night, the GOP included the candidate, Rich Iott, on a list of promising potential members called Contenders -- a notch below their so-called Young Guns. Now he's gone, without a trace.
Little Green Footballs (Used to be conservative before jumping on Obama bandwagon) writes:
As I pointed out yesterday, when the news broke that Republican GOP candidate Rich Iott liked to dress up as a Nazi for “reenactments,” the right wing blogosphere immediately started defending him — because there is nothing these people won’t defend, if it’s done by a right wing Republican. White supremacism, racism, wearing Nazi uniforms; none of this is a problem for the right wing base.
Calm down guys before you hyperventilate!
ObamaCare is still going to bankrupt the country if it isn’t reversed.
Energy costs will go through the roof if the Dems get their Cap and Trade scheme through congress.
Charlie Rangel will still have 4 rent-controlled apartments where citizens of his district can’t find even one.
And Obama’s approval ratings are ready to break into the upper 30s. But, damn if you didn’t find a WWll reenactor in Ohio.
I guess we can’t have everything.
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