Saturday, October 31, 2009

Obama’s Economy For Idiots-He Gets an A+ for Wasteful Spending

The White House yesterday boldly proclaimed that 1 million jobs were saved or created as a direct result of Obama’s Stimulus package.

Well, isn’t that special?

Lets set aside for a moment that the “saved or created” statistics is pure hogwash like I’ve written about on my prior post. If you look on the website without laughing your head off, you'll see a chart that says that 207.54 Billion dollars have been spent thus far into the economy. If the 1 million jobs save or created stat is true, which we know its not, but lets say it is, that means each job cost taxpayers $207,000 per job.

Do you really think these jobs are pay more than it takes to save or create them?

Of course not!

This is what “Hope and Change” is costing the American people.

President Obama, who doesn’t know what an economics text book looks like if you put it in front of him in a photo array, is sending this country into financial ruin.

But hey, he looks like a president, right?

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Democrats New Bogus “Created or Saved” Statistic

The only thriving industry in Obama’s economy seems to be the “focus group” firms. Can you imagine where the Democrat Party would be without them?

They wouldn’t be able to walk and chew gum without these businesses telling them how to think and speak. They wouldn’t know what buzz words to use in their speeches and press conferences.

Yeah, throw in a lot of words like “choice”, “competition”, or “insurance company profits”. Everybody likes to have a “choice”. People think “competition” is good. Most people hate “insurance” companies.

But the latest invention of the focus groups is the “created or saved” job statistic. And the Dems have latched onto this phrase like a crackhead jonezing crack. But, are these statistics really valid?

Please, they’re as valid as Charlie Rangel being the Chairman of the House Ways and Means committee.

The only jobs government can create are jobs working for the government. Although these hirings may slow down the unemployment rate, it’s an artificial solution that doesn’t solve the underlying problems of high unemployment.

Governments can’t hire their way out of recession and into recovery.

True recovery only happens when the private sector starts hiring again.

So what is a saved job?

It’s pure hogwash!

This bogus statistic is a fraud intended to deceive a misinformed public into thinking the Obama Administration has a clue of what’s its doing.

This is now the famous, “had it not been for this (Obama’s stimulus) many more jobs would have been lost." Yeah, and if my Aunt had a pair, she’d be my uncle.

It’s impossible to prove a negative!

But, I guess in Obama’s world, all things are possible, even malicious deception.

Shame on you, Mr. President!

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Good and Bad Newt Gingrich

This is the good Newt Gingrich.

This is the bad Newt Gingrich.

Newt! Come back to us, babe!

Unfortunately, Newt Gingrich has lost his way and has become the kind of Republican that part of the problem with the Republican Party. No matter how much he may try to explain himself, he made a huge mistake endorsing a Liberal Republican over a Conservative candidate.

It’s time to cast Newt aside for the good of the Conservative cause that believes Conservatism does not need to be modified, watered down, or become Liberal light.

Lines need to be drawn now before the 2010 elections and beyond and Conservatives need to take over the Republican Party once and for all to battle the Liberals that have taken over the Democrat Party.

It’s just that simple!

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

Obama’s Public Option Violates Middle Class Tax Pledge

All throughout his presidential campaign, Barack Obama promised that 95% of the American people would receive a tax cut. Most of us, meaning people who did not buy into Obama’s Messianic personhood, saw through his rhetoric for what is was, blatant pandering and outright lies.

Now I don’t have the expertise of a Betsy McCaughey who can better explain the ramifications of overhauling our health care system better than anybody else on the planet.

But, common sense tells me there’s no way in the world can Obama and the Democrats say that you can insure an extra 40 million uninsured/nonproductive people on the backs of insured/productive citizens and not have costs rise to cover the difference.

The money has to come from somewhere to pay for it all?

And when all is said and done if this obscenity is passed in congress, it’s the middle class that will suffer the burden with any new oppressive taxes or fees that the Democrats can think of to fund the entitlement.

How does this not violate Obama’s “no tax” pledge to the American people?

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Grayson Is Out of His Cage Again

No Congressman Grayson, the Republicans are not the enemies of America. I won’t even sink to your level and say that the Democrats are the true enemy instead.

There’s no need for that among gentlemen—a distraction that can’t possibly apply to you.

All we have here is a difference of opinion about what’s better for America. The ideas the Republican Party represents, freedom and free markets, to name a few, helped build this nation. It’s the reason we left England, fought a war against her because we refused to live under her yoke any longer.

Your ideas that you share with President Obama and the Democrat Party, are the same tired thoughts that have failed throughout history. Demagogues like you come and go. So it really doesn’t matter that you hurl bombs instead of honestly debating ideas.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

Friday, October 23, 2009

It’s Time to Put Newt Gingrich in Old Folks Home

Thank you, Newt for your service, the Contract for American in 1994 was great, and all that, but it’s time for you to fade into the sunset and not be heard from again. It’s time to wheel you into the Home for Useless Republicans, tie a bib around your neck and call it a career.

Newt Gingrich and the Republican National Committee is officially on my list as being part of the problem with the Republican Party for endorsing Dee Dee Scozzafava in New York’s special election for the 23rd congressional seat who not only has the backing of Planned Parenthood and The Daily Kos, other indignities include her support for Homosexual Marriage, Abortion Rights and Card Check.

Something is terribly wrong with the Republican Party when Newt Gingrigrich supports a Liberal Republican and Sarah Palin endorses a Conservative, Doug Hoffman, for the same seat. If we can’t get on the same page for a stinking little congressional district, how can we ever expect to reclaim the White House?

This party better get its act together or we’ll be stuck with President Barack Obama for the next 7 years and 2 months.

In the words of Casey Stengel, “Does anybody know how to play this game?”

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

Thursday, October 22, 2009

At MSNBC All Black Ministers Look Alike

The lack of professionalism at perpetual Obama-suck up cable channel, MSNBC, is on display when Contessa Brewer mistakes the Reverend Jesse Jackson for the Reverend Al Sharpton.

Honest mistake or does it really make a difference to confuse one Overseer for another?

However, the interview itself raises another question about the quality of journalism, or lack thereof, at MSNBC. Why are they interviewing the Rev Jesse Jackson in the first place on the matter of executive compensation? Why not interview an expert in economics, or some other financial analyst that knows what he’s talking about?

The truth is that kind of stuff doesn’t matter to the O-Bot network. All this presentation is really doing is stoking the base in lieu of providing competent journalism.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

Monday, October 19, 2009

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Crystal Dixon Fired for Free Speech

“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter”.
George Washington (1732-1799) First President of the USA.

It seems that free speech is being selectively attacked in this country if you belong to the wrong group, namely, Christian Conservatives.

In the past week, Rush Limbaugh, an ardent football fan, was denied the opportunity to be part of a group that wanted to purchase the St. Louis Rams of the National Football League. Comments pertaining to Slavery and other offensive rhetoric were falsely attributed to Rush Limbaugh out of thin air and widely repeated by members of the mainstream media like Rick Sanchez of ESPN who of course did not bother to “fact check” its authenticity.

The race-hustling firm of Jackson, Sharpton, and Lee (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Sheila Jackson Lee) got into the mix by offering their typical grips and charges of racism and divisiveness leveled at Limbaugh.

Rush got the boot, and for what?

They did not like the way he expresses himself, or more bluntly, he expresses the wrong opinions as far as the out-of-control Left is concerned.

The same thing, in a sense, happened to Carrie Prejean last April when she was asked her opinion about Homosexual Marriage at the Miss U.S.A. Beauty pageant. All Carrie did was give an honest opinion that she believed marriage should be between a man and a woman. It cost her a whole lot of grief because many people believed she had the wrong opinion in mind. Eventually she lost her Miss California crown on trumped up charges of failing to fulfill her contractual obligations as Miss California.

We know the real reason, don’t we?

But a year before the Prejean incident, something happened that was more appalling than what had happened to Prejean or Limbaugh. Crystal Dixon, a Christian, African American woman got fired from her position at the University of Toledo for writing her opinion on Homosexual Rights in a local newspaper.

One day in April 2008, Miss Dixon read a Op Ed piece written by Michael S. Miller titled, Gay Rights and Wrongs, in which he passionately argued that Ohio was lagging in Homosexual Rights. Read here.

Dixon responded to Miller and sent in an equally passionate response titled Gay Rights and Wrings: Another Perspective. Read Here.

Her perspective that is rooted on the same Judeo Christian beliefs that founded this nation got her terminated because it seems that the administration of UT cares more about the opinions of a sexual special interests group than the free expression of speech.

This event should make every American shudder.

Unfortunately, this episode did not get the national attention it deserved at the time because the country was enthralled with the primary battle between Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama. But, I remover reading about it and commenting to a friend, “This is the kind of stuff that will happen if Obama gets elected. The Libs will go nuts and be emboldened to crush their enemies.”

I emailed Ms. Dixon and she graciously agreed to answer 5 questions:

Do you think the A.C.L.U. will be involved in you case?

No. In the past few years, it appears that the ACLU supports primarily liberal viewpoints. It would be refreshing if the ACLU would support a true and balanced diversity of opinions on matters of public concern on a consistent basis.

Has Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton flown to Ohio and offered to sponsor marches on your behalf at the University that fired you, an African American woman for exercising her rights of free speech?

Rev. Al Sharpton did invite me on his radio show to discuss my case. He was quite supportive of my right to free speech and he expressed dismay at the university’s actions.

Has the N.A.A.C.P. or any other civil rights organization taken up your cause?

Candidly, apart from my family, my pastors, my church, and my legal team, there has not been a consistent sustained voice of support by a civil rights organization, for this cause, which really is an American cause – the right to free speech regardless of one’s viewpoint. With certain balancing tests, the Supreme Court has already ruled that free speech is to be protected in public institutions. I worked for one. Ironically, I have received support/encouragement from former gays and former lesbians who have had their lives/lifestyles radically changed by a transformative relationship with Jesus Christ and are now practicing heterosexuals. I have also received expressions of support from practicing homosexuals who understand the constitutional right of free speech in America.

Do you feel you’re being treated differently because you’re a Christian Conservative?

Absolutely yes. It’s called viewpoint discrimination. In public universities which say they are committed to “free thinking” and “diversity,” it should be that respectful and fact-based discourse and opinions should be welcomed, not censored or silenced.

What do you say to the African American community that don’t know your name or your case?

My legal team and I are available to do radio and TV interviews to share more about this important case, particularly to inform Americans about their rights to free speech in public institutions. I would also encourage anyone interested in my case to visit my website: to learn more about what happened to me and to read the letter of opinion for themselves. Again, in public universities which say they are committed to “free thinking” and “diversity,” it should be that respectful and fact-based discourse and opinions should be welcomed, not censored or silenced.

Please talk about this case with your friends!

Let’s not forget what happened to Crystal Dixon because it can happen to anyone of us.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Anita Dunn, Obama’s Communications Czar, “We Control the Press!”


Anita Dunn, admitted that the type of press coverage she and the president likes, is one that they can control!

So, it shouldn’t be surprising that the White House put the Fox News Channel on its Enemies List for being the only professional news organization left in the United States.

By her own words in this video, Dunn has confirmed what many people in this country had already known, namely, that journalism outside of Fox is dead, and that the other news outlets (NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC) have totally renounced their journalistic integrity to become stenography hubs for the Obama administration.


Reverend Jeremiah Wright was interviewed on Fox by Sean Hannity a whole year before the mainstream media ever mentioned his name.

The Van Jones story of his self-proclaimed communism was only reported on Fox while the mainstream media totally ignored the story.

There are many other instances were the MSM shields President Obama from newsworthy information the public has a right to know but can hurt his presidency.

This is truly unfortunate.

The sad part of this story is that Dunn and President Obama do not recognize that they share traits with totalitarian regimes like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Hugo Chavez's Venezuela that believes controlling the media is critical for controlling minds.

Thankfully, the United States and the forces of freedom that’s deep in our collective DNA, has been around much longer than Barack Obama and Miss Dunn. The freedom wave can be seen in Fox News’s ratings explosion because the people are not stupid.

They see past the president’s phony facade of centrism.

They see beyond the teleprompter aided rhetoric of Big Government Liberalism.

They see beyond and can recognize that there’s nothing new about President Obama and what he’s trying to do.

President Obama is Jimmy Carter and George McGovern encased in half African American and White skin, thus making him the “perfect” Democrat candidate that would attract White voters and give them license to relieve their “White Guilt” once and for all by support him.

As for African Americans, those votes were already in the bag even if Obama were polka-dot. Let’s be real.

We as a country may have to endure some pain for a while. But as former Texas’ Solicitor General, Ted Cruz, once said, “I believe that Barack Obama’s greatest legacy as president will be that he inspired a new generation of conservatives to rise up and defend our liberty.”

We’ve already seen evidence of this thanks to 25 yr old James O;Keefe and 21 yr old Hannah Giles who showed the world how corrupt ACCORN actually is on hidden video tape.

Sometimes you have to ensure a necessary evil to get to the ultimate good!

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

Friday, October 16, 2009

Anita Dunn, White House Communications Chief Favorite Philosopher is Mao Tse-Tung

Miss Dunn recently singled out Fox News as being hostile toward President Obama and acting as a propaganda wing of the Republican party.

This is the same Anita Dunn, who admitted at a college commencement ceremony over the summer that one of her favorite philosophers was none other than Chairman Mao Tse Tung, the man who brought Communism to China and who also was responsible for the deaths of 50 to 70 million of his fellow Chinese people.

Are you kidding me, favorite philosopher, is one of, if not the greatest mass murderers in the 20th century?

What does this say about President Barack Obama if this is the kind of people he surrounds himself with? Does it show than Van Jones, the former Green Jobs Czar, and another self described communist was not just a fluke after all?

Jesus once said, “By their fruit, ye shall know them.”

Look at the fruit around the president and you’ll know who the man really is despite what comes out his mouth.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

Sharpton, Jackson, and Lee: The New Overseers on the 21st Century Plantation

Back in the 18th and 19th centuries, the White men who managed plantations for Slave-owners were known as the “Overseers”. They often at times used cruel methods to keep Black slaves in-line and doing the Master’s bidding. These cruel men, who were Democrats by the way, did not hesitate to utilize Bullwhips on the backs of slaves to make an example of what happens to a slave that was disobedient.

It was a very effective tool to maintain slavery and keep the cotton coming in!

Today, the plantations are gone. The Bullwhips are put away in the barn. But, the Overseers remain and have different color faces. And the enslavement of African American minds is as strong as ever.

These new Overseers are Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Sheila Jackson Lee. Their task is to continue to foster the perception that White Conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and all Republicans are racists.

Instead of using Bullwhips on the backs of slaves, they tell lies and distort the truth to keep African Americans mentally enslaved so they can continue to support the Democrat Party at the rate of 95% and up.

If a Black person dares to question the status quo of support for the Democrat Party, they are immediately ridiculed and shunned by other African Americans as “sellouts”. “Uncle Tom’s”, “handkerchief heads”, “Oreo cookies”, or trying to be “White”.

Who needs Bullwhips anymore?

The new Slave-owners, the Democrat Party, no longer need cotton, but they desperately sure need the votes from the progeny they enslaved in the first place.

If you think President Barack Obama is the head of the Democrat Party, think again. Ask billionaire and White man George Soros who really yields the power behind the scenes.

Brothers and Sisters, when will you break the chains in your minds?

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Different Faces of Sheila Jackson Lee Part Friend of the People and Village Idiot

Sheila Jackson Lee, congresswoman for the great state of Texas wasted the people’s time talking about Rush Limbaugh on the House floor. This is the same Sheila Jackson Lee who rudely took a call on her cell while a cancer patient was asking her a question at a town hall meeting.

I think we need immediate legislation that can be called, “If I Only Had a Brain” bill to help Miss Lee and other Democrats serve the people of this country better.

Being Divisive is No Vice

What’s wrong with being divisive?

Should I forever hold my tongue in the face of oppressive taxes, out of control spending, or a weak-in-the-knees foreign policy?

Frederick Douglas once advised young people to, “Agitate, agitate, agitate!” I’m sure that White slave-owners who were also Democrats thought Douglas was being “divisive” for failing to go along with the status quo of slavery.

Martin Luther King marched in the face of Democrats like Bull Conner, who wanted Blacks to remain in their place as second-class citizens. Those Democrats called Dr. King “divisive” too.

When Jesus said, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” I wonder if Democrats would call Christ “divisive”? On second thought, they probably would.

Being divisive is totally appropriate when one feels the need to articulate an opinion and refuse to become mindless sheep.




I for one don’t mind being called the “D-word” because it puts me in good company.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

Monday, October 12, 2009

Stephen A. Smith an African American’s Conversion to Conservatism

Mr. Smith gives insight to the duality of the Black community’s dependence on the Democrat Party even though it conflicts with their own personal conservatism that they were raised with in the Black church.

The key here is for Conservatives in the Republican Party not to be afraid to challenge Black people on their own conservatism and point out that they have been misled by Democrats for years into voting against their own interests.

This is why we need new blood in the Republican party because the old guard we have now lack the guts to do what needs to be done.

The Homosexual Lobby Don’t Want Compromise But Total Victory

"We should not be punishing patriotic Americans who have stepped forward to serve the country." Latest red hearing from President Barack Obama

Once again our president is catering to the Homosexual lobby, a sexual special interest group that only makes up 2 to 3 % percent of the population. According to the Military Code of Justice, Homosexuality is an offense that warrants immediate discharge form the Armed Forces.

But Homosexual lobbyists wanted this policy done away with. So in 1993, President Bill Clinton signed Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell that allows Homosexuals to stay in the military and prohibits the military from even asking about their sexual orientation.

This is what compromise is supposed to be.

Not everyone got what they wanted. Those that wanted to clear out Homosexuals from the military, could not. Homosexuals in the military, despite what President Obama says, got to stay and serve their country just like their hetro-counter parts.

And let me make this point as clearly as I can..

The only distinction Homosexuals have in society is how they have sex-that's it!

Sexual acts are supposed to be done in the privacy of one’s bedroom, or at least in private anywhere one wants to have it. It’s none of my business how a person has sex. Just like it’s no your business how I have sex.

If a person is Black or any other racial minority, it can be seen in public.

If a person is disabled, or has any kind of mental or emotional disability, that can eventually be seen in public.

But if a person is a Homosexual, aside from the Flaming Fagots or Butch Dyes which are not representative of all homosexuals, it cannot be seen in public. They look like anybody and that’s the dilemma.

So Homosexuals throw their privacy rights away and declare themselves publicly for an activity that supposed to be private in the first place.

They want society's official stamp of approval which is why they want the traditional definition of marriage forever changed. This Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is just a stepping stone to that end. The Homosexual lobby does not seek comprise if it prevents them from getting total and utter approval for what they do in private.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradidtion

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I Deserve an Oscar

For the past 3 ½ years I’ve been working on my screenplay. It’s a Western about a Black deputy marshal teaming up with a White ex-Texas Ranger to find a kidnapped girl. My intention is for this screenplay to become the greatest Western film ever made.

I also intend to ask Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe to play in the starring roles.

So where’s my Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Meme to The Republican Party: Wake the Hell Up and Get Your Act Together

I’m concerned once again of what I see coming from the Republican Party. It’s too early at this time for a true leader to emerge and it’s really not necessary at this point of the game. After all, why give the MSM 3 years to marginalize any Republican prospect for the nomination for president? However, from the little I’ve seen from what’s out there, I’m thoroughly underwhelmed.

Let’s set aside Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney who I feel when all is said and done, one of them has a very good chance of being the Republican nominee. I don’t know if Bobby Jumdal, Tim Pawlenty or Mike Pence are going to throw their hats in the ring. Maybe the eventual nominee is not even well known.

And that may be a blessing.

Heck, no one knew who Barack Obama was before he gave his famous speech at the DNC in 2004, and now he’s sitting in the White House.

However, this must be clear to all potential candidates:

• Stop focusing on attracting independents by watering down Conservatism.
• Offer a clear choice instead of an echo.
• Don’t just say you’re a Reagan Conservative, act like it and talk like it.
If you don’t have the courage to speak an unabashedly Conservative message with passion and a fire in the belly, don’t waste our time and stay home.

Watch this video of Mike Pence talking to Chris Matthews. This is an example of a Conservative who does a terrible job presenting Conservatism.

I don’t really have strong feelings about Pence, but after watching this performance, I don’t want this guy anywhere near the nomination. Pence should have known and the information is out there concerning scientific arguments that pose a serious challenge to the Theory of Evolution such as the book, Darwin’s Black Box , by Michael Behe, a noted Christian Bio-Chemist.

One of the Left’s quickest ways to marginalize a candidate is to give the impression that a candidate is a nut job if he doesn’t believe in Evolution. All Conservative candidates have to be better prepared than Pence. And to add a quick aside, the last thing the Republican Party needs is to offer up another white-haired candidate to go against Barack Obama. We’ve been there and done that with John McCain.

It’s time that any potential candidate has to realize that they have to carry the message of Conservatism themselves without fearing to get their hands dirty. Stop depending on the Rush Limbaughs , Glen Becks, or Micheal Savages and others to do the heavy lifting.

When its time to step up, step up for real.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

Friday, October 9, 2009

Liberals Throw Obama a Sympathy Bone Named Nobel Peace Winner

Less than a week after President Obama lost his lackluster bid to bring the Olympics to Chicago and thus suffering utter humiliation on the world stage, he wins the Nobel Peace Prize for supposedly his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people.

Yeah, right.

It’s clear that Obama needed a win right about now considering his poll numbers are steady falling, his own party is battling among themselves over nationalized health care, his military generals are asking for more troops that Obama doesn’t want to give them, and the magical aura that once surrounded Obama has become dull and ordinary.

The Liberal world needed to perform a Mia Culpa for embarrassing the president last week and what better way of doing so than awarding the Nobel Peace Prize and coming up with a shame justification for doing it.

So Obama gets to hang his hat with other notable Nobel luminaries such as Yassar Arafat and Al Gore. So despite what you may hear from the Liberal media touting this victory for Obama, most right thinking people will understand that this is nothing more than Liberals mutually masturbating each other.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Charles “Corrupt” Rangel Continues to Serve Pork

There’s nothing wrong with swine in ole’ Charlie’s book, the greasier the better. As House Republicans introduce a resolution today calling for the ouster of Charles Rangel from his chairmanship of the influential House Ways and Means Committee, its been revealed by the New York Post that Rangel has earmarked a $3 million grant to City College in New York.

Coincidently, City College just happens to have a $30 million project in the works for the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service that will immortalize his name and house his papers when he retires from office. Would that include all the missing money and apartment leases in Washington D.C., New York City, and the Dominican Republic?

I’m just asking?

Ole’ C.C. tucked away the grant inside the recently introduced Defense Appropriation Bill moving through congress. The purpose of the grant is for CCNY to create a high performance multi-threat vehicle armor to protect against explosives.

Rangel said, “Developing lighter-weight armor for military vehicles will ultimately saves lives and lessen horrific injuries to troops caused by road-side bombs. I couldn’t be more proud of CCNY’s involvement in this partnership with DoD and the private sector. This has nothing to do with the Rangel Center.”

Of course it doesn’t, C.C!

This is how Charlie Rangel demonstrates that he is the type of politician that can go through a revolving door behind you and come out ahead of you.

The rationale for the grant is purely false because in South Carolina a company known as Force Protection is the world's leading manufacturer of ballistic- and blast-protected vehicles, which have been used to support armed forces and security personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo and other hot spots around the globe.

But, don’t look for the Democrat party to label this dubious grant as nothing more than wasteful pork spending given to the friends of Charlie Rangel for the sole benefit of Charlie Rangel.

The slickster continues to slick.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Obama Nominee Believes Homosexual Sex is Moral

"Gay sex is morally good."

Chai Feldblum
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Nominee

And so continues the assault on traditional values. President Barack Obama, the man who wants to control your health care, appease our enemies, and wreak havoc on the moral fiber of this country, has offered up a woman to serve on the EEOC who believes homosexual sex is a moral act.

Of course for Liberals “morality” is based more on what feels or sounds good to liberal-inclined focus groups. But for the majority of Americans who based their beliefs on Judea-Christian ethics that teach Homosexual sex is indeed immoral, we have the right to believe as such, to say as such, and to teach our children as much.

These are the kind of people the president chooses to represent him. This is the fruit he brings.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Charlie “Corrupt” Rangel Can Be a Boom to Republicans in 2010

I lived in New York for all my life. For as long as I could remember, ole’ Corrupt Charlie has been serving in Congress. I don’t live in his district, so I haven’t had the pleasure of voting against him. But, I remember from young, that there was something about this guy that was very creepy.

Now that I’m fully grown, my suspicions of him were on the money. When you look at ole’ Corrupt Charlie, he looks like he come from central casting for a B movie as playing the part of smooth taking snake oil salesman that could charm the panties off any woman for breakfast, and broker a real estate deal that benefits his campaign coffers by lunch time.

Truth is, ole’ CC has been doing the do of sleazy politics for a long long time. According to the New York Post, back in 1965, he scored a low-interest loan from a city program to rehabilitate his family home into apartments meant for low-income tenants -- but lived in one of the units himself, despite his higher income.

You’re something else, Charlie!

During his first term in Congress, he bought a four-bedroom house in DC and got tax breaks by listing it as his primary residence -- though he still lived in the Harlem family home

Hey, why not?

None of those deals are under investigation by the Ethics Committee, which for over a year has been probing Rangel's failure to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars in income and assets, his illegal use of four rent-stabilized apartments and his improper solicitation of funds for CUNY using his House letterhead.

What else is House letterhead good for?

Some House Republicans are pushing ole’ Corrupt Charlie to resign this week. That’s as likely to happen as President Obama deciding to send 200,000 troops to Afghanistan, unilaterally bomb supposed nuclear sites in Iran without U. N. approval, and deciding to convert to the Republican party and become a a fiscal conservative.

I say keep CC exactly where he is and make him the poster boy for Nancy Pelosi’s failed promise to be the most ethical Congress in history.

Rangel is the gift that keeps on giving.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Rep Alan Grayson Demagogue and Attack Dog for the Democrat Party

All of a sudden, a little known representative, named Alan Grayson from the great state of Florida explodes on the national political scene. He didn’t offer any landmark legislation or perform a civic duty that actually benefited his community. All he did was stand on the house floor with some giant signs that looked like they were put together by fifth graders and accused the Republican party of wanting people to die quickly if they get sick.

Mr. Grayson didn’t bother to discuss Obama Care on the merits. He did not pull out a copy of the thousand page bill and eagerly point to specific language that disputes any of the criticism the proposed health care plan has received by many detractors. No Democrat, including Grayson has done that or will ever do that in the future.

They can’t either because they have not read the entire bill themselves or they know exactly what the bill says and all the criticism is justified. So what else is there left to do?

Democrats have resorted to attacking Republicans personally to sway and manipulate the emotions of the citizenry. And the tactic is effective albeit dishonest.

So Grayson is getting his fifteen minutes of fame by being the latest in a long line of DADs, (demagogue or democrat attack dog: a strategy for gaining political power by appealing to the prejudices, emotions, fears and expectations of the public — typically via impassioned rhetoric and propaganda, and often using nationalist, populist or religious themes. :Source Wikipedia)

For Grayson to use the word “holocaust” in any discussion of the health care debate is quintessential demagoguery. Someone needs to point out to Mr. Grayson that the real American Holocaust is the 50 million abortions performed in this country since 1973.

Can we get a debate on that, Democrats?