Sunday, August 1, 2010

Obamalogic: Spending 60 Billion to Save 1 Million Jobs for GM (Government Motors) and Chrysler

If you can stand to watch him anymore, here is President Obama at a Detroit plant.

President Obama, he of sinking approval ratings desperately tried to sell the American people that spending 60 billion of their tax dollars to save 1 million jobs was the right thing to do.

That means each job is costing the American taxpayer 166 million dollars per job.
Only in the Leftist mind does that make any sense. Only in the warped mind of the president does that kind of government spending make any logical sense when he’s trying to transform the United States into the largest Nanny state in the world.

It’s a world where the government takes care of its people in exchange for surrendering freedom.

The American people has seen Obama for what truly he is and Nationalizing the car industry, except for Ford, to save the jobs of his unionists base is not going to wash.

So, he can spend all his time extolling the virtues of the American auto worker all he wants. America knew they were the world’s best before he came onto the scene.

Well, I guess you can say Obama is being transparent after al.

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