Finally, the real details of what happened at the exclusive New York hotel between former IMF honcho Dominique Straus-Kaun and the once portrayed unassuming West African chamber maid has come to light.
One of the aspects of this story that was splashed in newspapers all over the world was that DSK forced the maid to perform oral sex.
As far as I’m concerned, being a man, I thought it had to be a bogus claim because no way would a man, unless he was armed with a weapon, would force a woman to perform oral sex, when she could easily bite down and cause series damage.
I didn’t see not one report that DSK was armed, so that tidbit of information was very hard to believe. Yet the media went with it as if it was gospel.
This chambermaid, who also was a prostitute, wasn’t innocent at all. She was an opportunist looking for a big pay. She thought she hit the jackpot with DSK. And when things went bad, then that’s when she cried rape.
Facts are stubborn things.
New York Post
She had dollar signs in her eyes.
Before she ever walked into Dominique Strauss-Kahn's dazzling suite at the Sofitel, his accuser was well aware of his VIP status -- and planning to get her hands in his deep pockets, sources told The Post.
"She figured he's a rich dude, and she would get paid," said a source close to the defense investigation. "She was told by the crew she ran with that this was a gold mine."
The maid, who routinely traded sex for money with male guests, parked her cleaning cart outside Suite 2806 on the morning of May 14 and keyed her way into the room -- knowing what he looked like from a photo hanging in a maid closet that identified him as an important guest.
Multiple versions have emerged of what happened next, but nobody disputes that the 32-year-old maid performed oral sex on the Frenchman known as "the Great Seducer."
Sources now tell The Post that when the two were finished, the woman demanded cash from Strauss-Kahn -- but he refused to pay.
"There was an expectation of money after the fact, but he was dismissive," the source said.
And not gently, the source said -- DSK brushed off the maid's request as he turned his back and got dressed.
She pressed her case.
"She remained in the room with him while he got dressed for at least nine minutes," the source said.
The humiliating exchange sparked the maid's anger, prosecutors suspect.
The woman's lawyer has charged that DSK angrily grabbed her breast and vagina, leaving her with bruises to the groin area.
The fight also apparently prompted DSK to bolt the Sofitel in such a hurry that he left behind a cellphone.
Unraveling the explosive events became more complicated with the accuser's varying versions of what happened both in the hotel suite and afterward, prosecutors say.
In the hours following the incident, she told cops Strauss-Kahn chased her, grabbed her, locked the suite's door and then dragged her into a bedroom to force her to perform oral sex.
She claimed she broke free only to be dragged into a bathroom to complete the sexual encounter -- and that at one point Strauss-Kahn tried to pull off her pantyhose and rape her.
She also claimed she didn't know who her alleged attacker was.
"She didn't know who Dominique Strauss-Kahn was at the time of the incident. I was the one who explained to her," a relative told AFP.
More here
See DSK maid turned tricks at taxpayers' dime here
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