Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Al Sharpton Confesses Prt ll

I still can’t shake the effects of the truth serum I got from my doctor last week. So let may say this:

I’m not interested in solving the problems plaguing the Black community. If 70% of Black babies are born out-of-wedlock, then that’s good for me because those kids most likely will live in poverty.

More Black folks living in poverty means I have more people to fool into thinking I really care about them. The more I fool them and tell them it’s all the fault of greedy Wall Street bankers, the more money I collect for my National Action Network. How else do you think I can send my kids to the best private schools?

Yeah, it’s a sweet hustle that I’ve been getting away with for over 25 years, because I can, because I got it like that.

You see, it’s about me and mine and if the people in the Black community can’t get hip to my game, oh well, whose fault is that, mine?

The less people know, the better it is for me and my wallet.

Peace and don’t forget to mail your checks.

I’m off to protest against Charter Schools.

Keeping the people and their kids in failing inner city schools is good for my business.

The Last Tradition

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