Friday, May 7, 2010

Angry Lover Bites Off Man’s Tongue

Fellas, you can never trust a woman after you’ve had a fight. You have to be cautious at all times.

From The Sun:

The couple had argued before the woman lured him in, clamped down on his tongue with her teeth and chewed part of it away after he told her to "p*** off".

Tina Mueller was arrested for GBH after the incident, a court in Germany heard this week.

Her lover Marc Schmidt, 27, had returned home after a boozy day at a carnival in the British Army garrison town of Paderborn in February last year.

Mueller, 35, resented the fact he was drunk, saying: "You're not coming in that state - you are totally loaded."

The court heard she then smacked him in the head as he tried to show her some affection.

Mr Schmidt gave her a mouthful, telling her: "Take your tongue and p*** off."

He said: "Tina often had such outbursts and I tried to reason with her.
"I went into the kitchen and she came in shortly afterwards and was feeling sorry.

"She said she was sorry she hit me. She let me take her into my arms and kissed me passionately.

"I just felt this terrible pain. I thrashed around a bit and I felt my tongue was gone."

Blood was pouring out of his mouth and in panic he ran 1,000 yards to his grandmother's house for help.

She then took him back to the house to recover the section of missing tongue which was 5cm wide and 3cm long, he said.

But doctors could not re-attach it and spent two and a half hours sewing up the wound.

Mr Schmidt spent four weeks consuming nothing but liquids and it has left him with a lisp.

He added: "I have to put Tabasco sauce on everything to taste it."

Mueller was convicted of GBH despite her lawyer claiming she was not responsible for her actions because she had taken psychotic drugs.
She was ordered to do 200 community service after writing a letter to Mr Schmidt apologizing for the assault — but he refused to accept it.

He said after the verdict: "I cannot forgive her. She ruined my life.

"I can't bear the thought of kissing a woman again."
He has launched a civil case against her for £87,000.

Via The Sun
The Last Tradition

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