Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Main Stream Media Soft on Obama’s Predator Drone Policy

Faisal Shahzad, the American Taliban , has admitted the reason he tried to blow up an SUV in Times Square was in retaliation for President Obama’s Predator Drone attacks inside his native Pakistan.

As a frequent criticizer of the community organizer (Barack Obama) now serving as the president of the United States, let me applaud him on one issue.

President Obama has more than tripled the amount of predator drone strikes inside Afghanistan and Pakistan, and as a result, key leaders of the Taliban and Al Qaeda have been blow to bits.

But, in addition to these targets being successfully disposed of, many civilians have unfortunately been killed in the process.

Now I fully support President Obama on his policy and if civilians, including women and children, get caught in the onslaught,,,,oh well, too bad!, it’s war!

But, I can’t help thinking if it were President Bush using the same policy and half as many civilians were killed in predator drone attacks, the MSM would have kept a daily body count of civilians killed, including videos of grieving family members holding up pictures of loved ones lost, not to mention pictures of empty tricycles that are abandoned as they’re blown in circles by a sad wind, videos of 4 yr old classmates asking why their friends are gone as they glance at an empty chairs where they used to sit, and a weekly/monthly total that they would be repeated day after day with accompanying videos of George Bush taking a jog seemingly like he’s oblivious to the pain he’s caused overseas.

But, with President Obama doing the killing, has anyone noticed?

Faisal Shahzad did.

The Last Tradition

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