Saturday, May 8, 2010

New Poll: Now, Even Democrats Oppose Repealing Arizona's Illegal Immigrant Law

Isn’t it funny how the main steam media can never find people who support Arizona's new immigration law even though a majority of the American people are for it.

Once again this poll shows how out-of-touch President Obama is with Americans by calling the law “misguided”.

It’s you Mr. President who’s the misguided one!

From The Los Angeles Times:

Many Democrats don't like Arizona's new immigration law but are willing to give it a test drive and see how it works.

That's according to a new Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll out Friday showing the majority of Americans with an opinion favor the bill (34-21%).

Republicans support the law (51-9%) as do Independents (37-18%) while Democrats largely oppose the measure (35-18%).

That's not too surprising as other polls have shown more Americans are in favor of the bill than against it.

When asked if the Obama administration should try to stop the new Arizona immigration law, or if the administration should wait and see how the law works, Republicans and Independents by large margins want the law left alone.

Interestingly, so do Democrats. And it's not a squeaker either. By a two to one margin (52-26%), Democrats said the law should be left alone to "see how it works."

When asked if Arizona was "right to take action by passing its new immigration law and not waiting any longer for the federal government to act," Democrats, Republicans, and Independents all....
...responded that the state was right to take action.

GOP respondents were most in favor of Arizona's initiative (77-14%), Independents strongely endorsed the move (72-21%), while it was much closer for Democrats (43-41%).
Full story

Via Los Angels Times

The Last Tradition

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