Thursday, May 6, 2010

Phoenix (Los Suns) Suns Should’ve Protested Lack of Latinos in the NBA

A few months back, there was talk of a new professional basketball league made up exclusively of White players. Civil Rights activists were rushing into Wal.Mart, when nobody was looking of course, to buy paint, stencils, and paper to make signs in protest of the Racist White League. Their mouths were watering; they made phone calls to the Rev Al Sharpton and Rev Jesse Jackson to give them the heads up on the latest racial injustice in the making.

I don’t know whatever happened with that league, nor do I really care.

But, last night the Phoenix Suns wore different jerseys (Los Suns) in honor of “Noche Latina” which means Latino Night whereby they celebrate Cinco de Mayo.

I have no problem with a team that acknowledges a part of their fan base and celebrates their ethnic heritage wit food, music, and drinks of that culture.

In fact, the New York Mets used to have International Week where they had Latino Night, Irish Night, Italian Night, African American, Asian Night, and Jewish Night, and it was all good fun for all.

However, the owner of the Suns, Robert Sarver, chose to take it a step further.

ESPN described it this way:

In announcing the Suns would wear their Spanish jerseys for Game 2 against the San Antonio Spurs -- which falls on the Mexican holiday known as Cinco de Mayo -- Suns owner Robert Sarver went out of his way to knock Arizona's controversial immigration enforcement law known as Senate Bill 1070.

Good for Sarver.

Now wait a dam orange-pick’en minute here!

What is Sarver thinking?

Over 70% of Arizonians support the new immigration law but Saver thinks it’s a good idea to protest a law his fan base agrees overwhelmingly with?

If this protest is about attacking any possible racial profiling of Latinos, then why is it okay for the NBA to racially profile more African American players in its league than Latinos?

76% of NBA players are Black and only 3% are Latino.

If diversity suppose to be the ideal goal, then why is it okay for the NBA to have such a disproportionate representation of one minority group (Blacks) over the larger minority group (Latinos)?

For that matter only 20% of NBA players are White even though Whites are 80% of the U.S. population

Where is the fairness and cries of diversity concernin this?

Lets keep politics out of our sports unless you’re willing to acknowledge some real truths that the NBA is 21st plantation.

The Last Tradition

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