Friday, May 7, 2010

Top US Corporations Considering Ending Health Care Benefits Thanks To Impending Cost Hikes

Some more ugly facts about ObamaCare President

Obama and the MSM successfully hid from you.

From Say

Which we were told would make health care coverage more accessible.

In a stunning revelation Wednesday, several top U.S. corporations are seriously considering dropping employee health insurance coverage in light of what they see as the inevitable consequence of ObamaCare–skyrocketing costs.

The companies state that after their legal experts poured over the thousands of pages in the new law, it will cost them less to pay the fines for not providing healthcare coverage for employees than continuing to provide employer-paid health insurance benefits.

As a side-note to the announcement, the companies maintain that ObamaCare will result in a dramatic increase in expenses for providing employee coverage, with added costs skyrocketing to multi-billions of dollars.

According to Business Record:

Additionally, the penalties to businesses for not offering coverage are less expensive than the cost of providing insurance, she said. “But for those that aren’t providing coverage now, this is a huge burden to them. And for employers that have a lot of employees working 30 hours (the threshold to be considered full- ime), you may have a lot of businesses cutting them back to 29 hours.”

Business Record maintains that despite this fact most companies will probably try to continue to provide coverage.

Full story

Look overseas at Greece and all the rioting going oc.

That's our future folks!

Thanks to the community organizer-in-chief.
The Last Tradition

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