Tuesday, August 9, 2011


TALK about too little, too late.
In a last desperate bid to avoid the death penalty, convicted serial killer, creepy Anthony Sowell told the court: "I'm sorry."
The 51-year-old was found guilty of luring 11 women to his Cleveland, OH apartment often with the promise of booze or crack cocaine.
But after smoking the drug he turned, repeatedly raping them and beating them to death.
When he ran out of the room to bury the body's in his back garden, he kept them lying around his apartment, causing an almighty stink in the neighborhood.
After refusing to testify during the case itself, Sowell has finally decided to speak in a bid to save himself from the death penalty.  
In his first public comments since his arrest over two years ago, he told the court, which was packed with relatives of the victims: "I'm sorry."
And then with possibly the understatement of the year: "I know that might not sound like a lot."
The prosecution wasn't allowed to cross-examine Sowell, which left the question unanswered as to why he killed the victims and attacked three other women who survived and testified against him.
But guided by his defense attorney John Parker, he answered questions about his troubled childhood, WOIO reports.
He told the court his mother abused him as a child, beating him with an extension cord, adding that he had ended up joining the Marines because he heard they were tougher than the Army, and he had something to prove to his mother.
Sowell also described mood swings and hearing a voice, one he calls Arnie.
He completed his statement with his apology. 

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