Monday, August 8, 2011


DEAR AMERICA: you now have a new leader in the Biggest Dick sweepstakes. His name is Daniel 'Danny the Dickhead' Baxter, 30, of Stockton, California and he is truly a dick. Baxter and his girlfriend Charlotte Greene got into an argument Sunday and Danny the Dickhead lost it. He picked up Greene's 2-month-old pitbull puppy Feisty and heaved the terrified animal against the wall. Its injuries were so bad it had to be put down. Why, you ask, did Baxter do this? he came home hammered and Greene wouldn't have sex with him. Really.
Greene said: "He woke her too hard, punched her and threw her against the wall. I told him to stop and then ran to the bathroom and started crying. I just want him to get help, like anger management or program for him to stop
drinking." Baxter is facing a charge of animal cruelty. He is also facing parole violation charges and is ineligible for bail. MORE ON THE BIGGEST DICK IN AMERICA

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