Monday, May 10, 2010

Big Labor Wants Poor African American and Latino Kids Locked in Failing Schools

The next time you see a sappy commercial sponsored by a teacher’s union crying for more money for teachers and saying they have the best interests of children in their hearts, don’t believe the hooey!

Here in New York State Big Labor is targeting state senators who voted to increase the number of Charter Schools.

The actions of Big Labor on this issue is beyond deplorable because they want to keep the status qup of failing schools in the inner cities of New York alive to accomplish two goals.

1. They want to continue collecting union dues from all the teachers in all the public schools regardless of their effectiveness in providing a good education.
2. They don’t want poor Black and Latino kids getting a better education if it means that these kids can realize how much these unions are only concerned for themselves and themselves only.

The most at risk children are being hurt by the very people who profess wanting to help them the most.

From The New York Post:

AFL-CIO goes after charter school supporters.

It’s political war over charter schools!

The New York State AFL-CIO is targeting two of the Legislature’s staunchest charter school supporters – Sens. Jeff Klein of the Bronx and Craig Johnson of Nassau – claiming they’re anti-union.

The 2.5 million member union umbrella group blitzed the two senator’s districts today with flyers accusing them of ``siding with big corporations and against teachers and students’’ by voting for a bill last week to expand charter schools ``with no real reform.’’

Both Klein and Johnson have repeatedly said they support charters – publicly funded and privately managed schools that typically have a longer school day and year than traditional public schools -- because they’re pro-kid, and pro-parent.

The Senate passed a measure last week to lift the charter school cap to 460 statewide from 200 over objections of the teachers’ unions and the AFL-CIO.

The state Assembly, where the unions have considerable influence, has yet to take up the measure.

The AFL-CIO attack on the two lawmakers comes on the same day that The Post reported that the union-finance Working Families Party is questioning candidates seeking its coveted ballot line over their stand on charter schools.

The labor group also claimed that Klein and Johnson sided against the unions on other pocketbook issues such as property tax relief and pension reform.

Via New York Post

The Last Tradition

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