Monday, May 10, 2010

Russian Politician Claims He Was Abducted by Space Aliens

Did you hear about the Russian pol that may have given up state secrets to aliens?

From The National Enquirer:

A top government official is forcing authorities to investigate his claims that he was abducted by extraterrestrial aliens.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has been urged repeatedly by a prominent politician to investigate claims of a Russian leader's harrowing experience.

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov,
the leader of the southern region of Kalymkia, told Russkie TV host Vladimir Pozner on Channel One on April 26, that he was abruptly taken from his Moscow apartment in 1997 aboard a spacecraft and had an extraterrestrial confab of the third kind.

Ilyumzhinov said he was nodding off when he heard someone calling him from the balcony.

Stepping outside, he said he saw a "half-transparent half tube" spaceship.

Bidding him to join them, Ilyumzhinov, met human-like creatures in yellow spacesuits but was unable to communicate with his alien hosts.

"I am often asked which language I used to talk to them," Ilyumzhinov told the TV aud. "Perhaps, it was on a level of the exchange of ideas."

Elaborating his tale, Ilyumzhinov said the aliens gave him a tour of their spaceship and that the aliens were visiting Earth to take samples. He also claims to have several witnesses.

Based on the ruckus raised by the pol's startling on-air admission Russian parliamentarian Andre Lebedev has called for a government inquiry.

Lebedev has written several letters to the Russian president about his fear that abductee Ilyumzhinov may have divulged state secrets to the aliens and wants him investigated.

Possibly for consuming mass quantities - of vodka.

Sorry, but I have to throw in this clip of one of my favorite movies.

The Last Tradition

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